Conference scopes


Lithium-ion alternatives represent a promising solution for low-cost, large-scale energy storage.


Nanomaterials in Healthcare

Nanotechnology is transforming the way we diagnose, treat, and manage diseases.


3D Printing & Imaging Materials

The rise of aditive manufacturing



Single‐Atom Catalysts: A sustainable pathway for the advanced catalytic applications


Lithium-sulfur batteries will be more efficient and environmentally friendly than current types.

Polymer/ceramic nanocomposites

The development of smart materials is expected to open new ways in structural materials, electronics, and healthcare.

  • Nanotechnology application in field of energy and environment
  • Nanomaterials for energy storage and energy harvesting
  • New materials and technologies for waste heat harvesting
  • Materials needs for clean energy production
  • Utilization of green approaches in industry
  • Water and air cleaning using advanced nanomaterials
  • Anti-biofouling and antimicrobial surfaces
  • Safety of nanomaterials application
  • Nanomaterials in healthcare
  • Adsorption processes
  • Catalytical and photocatalytical application for environment
  • Advanced recycling technologies for accumulators
  • Additive technologies life cycle assessment
  • Nanotechnologies in automotive and transportation


Contact us

Nanotechnology Centre, CEET

VSB  Technical University of Ostrava

17. listopadu 2172/15

708 00 Ostrava - Poruba, Czech Republic


T: +420 597 321 572